Jerry's Blogs

Thursday, December 13, 2007

On Sweet Credit Card Justice

Following the Gold's Gym debacle from over the summer, I think it's finally coming to an end. In summary, what happened was the following:

  • Jerry wants uber *m*u*s*c*l*e*s
  • IBM interns regularly go to gym
  • Jerry joins Gold's Gym for *summer special*
  • Jerry looks the same but gains 12 pounds (read: Austin's cheap cheap delicious meats)
  • Jerry cancel membership with blood signature
  • Jerry is pursued by Gym creditors for unjustified payments
  • Jerry gets charged extra $100+ for idiot gym payment system
  • Jerry SMASH
  • Jerry gets back $43.29 (pending) for credit card charge back

On principle alone, I think that entire chain of gym needs to go down in flames. I blame every level of management and employee for not knowing basic customer service and taking a stand for a customer. A honest billing mistake I can understand, but a 3 month margin of error with complete lack of accounting is a different story.



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